
Rand Fishkin

The Death of Marketing Attribution


12 Mar, 2024


9:10 AM


Saal 1


For 20 years, marketers have been able to attribute most online conversions to the channel (and sometimes even the exact tactic) that sent them. But, those days are ending. In his keynote, Rand will show what’s happening to the web in policy, privacy changes, tech changes, and the incentives of major traffic & ad platforms to cause this shift, and how marketers can respond. If you want to know how to measure those hard-to-measure channels and tactics and need some workarounds for big tech’s attempts to hide referral data, then this keynote is not to be missed. You will also learn ways to avoid throwing money at ads for conversions that would have happened anyway, and explore tactics that are hard to attribute, but undeniably powerful (and often far higher in ROI than classic ad tactics).

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