10th & 11th March, 2026 l Conference
9th March, 2026 l Workshops
ICM - International Congress Center Munich

If you want to claim the team discount please refer to the information below

Pre-conference Workshop Day
Main Conference Days
9 Mar, 2026
10 Mar, 2026
11 Mar, 2026
Special Offer
Ends: 30 Apr, 2025
Super Early Bird
Ends: 19 Sep, 2025
Early Bird
Ends: 5 Dec, 2025
Full Price
Ends: 30 Jan, 2026
Last Minute
Ends: 8 Mar, 2026
Ends: 11 Mar, 2026
Workshop oder Inhouse SEO Meeting
SMX Conference
SMX Exhibition
SMX After Dark
SMX Conference
SMX Exhibition
SMX Gold Ticket
Workshop oder Inhouse SEO Meeting
9 Mar, 2026
SMX Conference
10 Mar, 2026
SMX Exhibition
10 Mar, 2026
SMX After Dark
10 Mar, 2026
SMX Conference
11 Mar, 2026
SMX Exhibition
11 Mar, 2026
SMX Silver Ticket
Workshop oder Inhouse SEO Meeting
9 Mar, 2026
SMX Conference
10 Mar, 2026
SMX Exhibition
10 Mar, 2026
SMX After Dark
10 Mar, 2026
SMX Conference
11 Mar, 2026
SMX Exhibition
11 Mar, 2026
Two Day Conference Ticket
Workshop oder Inhouse SEO Meeting
9 Mar, 2026
SMX Conference
10 Mar, 2026
SMX Exhibition
10 Mar, 2026
SMX After Dark
10 Mar, 2026
SMX Conference
11 Mar, 2026
SMX Exhibition
11 Mar, 2026

One Day and Workshop-Only Tickets

First Day Conference Ticket
Workshop oder Inhouse SEO Meeting
9 Mar, 2026
SMX Conference
10 Mar, 2026
SMX Exhibition
10 Mar, 2026
SMX After Dark
10 Mar, 2026
SMX Conference
11 Mar, 2026
SMX Exhibition
11 Mar, 2026
Second Day Conference Ticket
Workshop oder Inhouse SEO Meeting
9 Mar, 2026
SMX Conference
10 Mar, 2026
SMX Exhibition
10 Mar, 2026
SMX After Dark
10 Mar, 2026
SMX Conference
11 Mar, 2026
SMX Exhibition
11 Mar, 2026
Workshop Only Ticket
Workshop oder Inhouse SEO Meeting
9 Mar, 2026
SMX Conference
10 Mar, 2026
SMX Exhibition
10 Mar, 2026
SMX After Dark
10 Mar, 2026
SMX Conference
11 Mar, 2026
SMX Exhibition
11 Mar, 2026

All tickets include delicious food and drinks in the coffee and lunch breaks on the day of your booking. Catering at SMX Munich, the workshops and SMX After Dark is vegan/vegetarian.

If you have a ticket and cannot attend the event for any reason, you may transfer your ticket to a colleague free of charge. Please note that the transfer must be made by 9 March 2026, and it must be authorized by us to be considered valid. To request authorization, simply send an email to [email protected].

Please be aware that unauthorized ticket transfers will result in the loss of validity for the transferred tickets. We will be conducting random checks to ensure that all transfers are authorized. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter.

All prices in EUR (Euro).
All Prices are exclusive of 19% MwSt. (German VAT)

According to the European Union VAT Directive, conferences are classified as a service supplied where performed, and therefore the VAT of the country hosting the conference must be charged. Article 53 and 54 of the VAT Directive states that “cultural, artistic, sporting, scientific, educational, entertainment and similar activities are taxed at the place where those services are physically carried out”. VAT is therefore charged regardless of the delegate’s home country. This means that VAT will need to be paid by both non-EU as well as EU citizens. Certain EU regulations permit VAT paid in member countries to be reclaimed. For further information, search for “german vat reclamation” with your favourite search engine.

Discount Offers and Registration Support

Bring the Team

Each additional attendee from the same company registered at the same time receives an extra 200€ off the 2-Day Tickets and 100€ off the 1-Day Tickets. The discount code will be displayed at the end of your registration. If you are a group of 5+ attendees from the same company, kindly contact us at [email protected] for a group offer.

Do you have colleagues working in email marketing or social media marketing?

At the same time as SMX, the Email Innovations World (EIW) and the AllSocial Marketing Conference (ASMC) will take place. Both EIW and ASMC will be held in German.

Let your colleagues benefit from the group discount too: At the end of your SMX registration, you’ll receive a discount code that they can use for EIW and ASMC.

* Discounts may not be combined or applied retro-actively.

NGO/ Academic / Government

NGOs, Academics and Government employees come for half price! Please email [email protected] to see whether you qualify.

* Discounts may not be combined or applied retro-actively.


Sean Finlay is happy to help:

Please send an email to [email protected].
We will get back 48 hours at the latest after we received your inquiry

  • Cancellation Policy & Terms

    If for reasons of Force Majeure the event cannot take place as scheduled the organisers reserve the right to reschedule the event to a date and place of its choosing.

  • Conditions of participation / AGBs
    1. Subject of the contract
      1. We, Rising Media Ltd., Tutzinger-Hof-Platz 6, 82319 Starnberg, Germany (hereinafter: Rising Media), are an event organizer specializing in the organization of international conferences and trade exhibitions in the field of Internet and technology (hereinafter: Event).
      2. The following terms and conditions apply to participation in one of our events.
    2. Registration
      1. Registration for events takes place online via the respective event website. By sending the online registration, you make an offer to participate in the event. A contract for participation comes into effect with the acceptance of this offer by us. Acceptance takes place through an express declaration by e-mail (registration e-mail).
      2. When registering, you undertake to provide only accurate and complete information about yourself and your company affiliation and, if necessary, to submit suitable supporting documents. Any subsequent changes must be notified immediately. This event is only open to persons over the age of 18. Rising Media reserves the right to request identification (i.e.: ID card, passport, driver’s license) and a business card at the on-site registration desk. In the event of violations of these regulations, lack of access authorization or for other comprehensible reasons, Rising Media is entitled to deny access or, if necessary, to exclude individuals from the event.
    3. Transfer, return and loss of tickets
      1. The purchase and use of tickets is only permitted to persons accredited by Rising Media. The passing on of tickets to third parties (whether in return for payment or free of charge) is only allowed with the prior written consent of Rising Media. The unauthorized transfer of tickets may be prosecuted under civil law.
      2. Rising Media is not obliged to return, exchange or transfer purchased tickets to another person.
    4. Terms of payment
      1. After conclusion of the contract you will receive an invoice for the participation fee by email. The participation fee is due for payment upon receipt of the invoice.
      2. As long as the participation fee is not paid in full, we are not obliged to grant you access to the event.
    5. Contents of the event
      1. We reserve the right to make changes to the event programme, including changes to the speakers.
      2. Should the event not be able to take place on the scheduled date and/or at the scheduled location for reasons for which we are not responsible, we reserve the right to reschedule the event to another date and/or location of our choice. In this case, you are only entitled to withdraw from the contract if the rescheduling unreasonably affects you with regard to the date and location and taking into account our interests in the rescheduling. You will be informed of any relocation in good time.
      3. If the event is cancelled for reasons for which we are responsible, no participation fee is payable. Participation fees already paid will be refunded.
      4. What we are responsible for is governed by point 10) of these conditions of participation.
    6. Cancellation
      1. Cancellation of your registration is possible until 9 January 2026. Already paid participation fees will be refunded without cancellation fee.
      2. Cancellation after the date specified in section 6.1 is not possible. In this case, the obligation to pay the participation fee remains.
      3. Cancellation must be made in writing to Rising Media Ltd, Tutzinger-Hof-Platz 6, 82319 Starnberg, Germany or by email to [email protected]. In this case, a substitute participant can be named at any time free of charge, provided that the substitute participant meets the participation requirements.
    7. House rules and regulations
      1. Attendance at the event is only permitted with a valid ticket. Rising Media reserves the right to initiate civil and criminal proceedings if the event is attended without personal registration and admission, in particular by using someone else’s ticket.
      2. You must observe the house rules during your visit to the event premises. The event grounds include all areas intended for the staging of the event, whether buildings or open spaces. When entering and staying on the event premises, the house rules, which are displayed on site, apply in particular.
    8. Consent to the use of visual material; making of visual and sound recordings
      1. We will take or have taken pictures during the event in order to use them for documentation purposes, for accompanying or subsequent reporting and for post-event advertising as well as for advertising announcements of subsequent events. This may also include photographic material in which you are depicted. If you are photographed, we will ensure that your personal rights are not unreasonably impaired by the use of the photographic material.
      2. By concluding the contract for participation in the event, you grant us your consent to the production and use of the photographic material in accordance with the provisions of the above section.
      3. You are permitted to make and use audio recordings of the sessions held during the event for private purposes only, with the restriction that any reproduction on the Internet and other media, as well as disclosure to third parties, is only permitted with our prior consent.
      4. The production and use of photographs and video recordings of the sessions requires our prior consent. The production and use of audio and video clips for reproduction in a blog and for the purpose of press coverage is permitted with the proviso that a clip may not exceed a length of one minute. Clips that are related in content will be treated as one clip. For information on photo and video permission, please contact us at [email protected].
      5. You must respect the personal rights of the persons recorded or depicted and obtain any necessary consent.
    9. Consent to transmission of data to exhibitors and sponsors
      1. When entering the exhibition areas, you may be asked by the respective exhibitor or sponsor to have your badge scanned. If you agree to this, you give us your consent to transmit to the respective exhibitor or sponsor the data collected during your registration and stored on your badge (surname, first name, profession, address, telephone number, e-mail address, employer/company). You can, of course, object to the exhibitor or sponsor scanning your badge or to the use of your data by the exhibitor or sponsor.
    10. Liability
      1. We accept no liability for the event not taking place, insofar as we are not responsible for this. In particular, we shall not be liable for the refusal of necessary official permits, for police and/or official or other measures taken by third parties during or in connection with the event, for infringements of rights by participants in the event and for the cancellation or termination of the event, unless we are responsible for this intentionally or through gross negligence.
      2. In the event of slight negligence, we shall only be liable in the event of a breach of material contractual obligations (cardinal obligations), i.e. such obligations that enable the proper performance of the contract and on whose compliance the contractual partner may regularly rely. In this case, the scope of liability is limited to the typically occurring, foreseeable damage. There is no liability for indirect damage, consequential damage or loss of profit. The limitation of liability shall also apply in the event of fault on the part of a legal representative or vicarious agent of ours.
      3. For the rest, our pre-contractual, contractual and non-contractual liability is limited to intent and gross negligence. However, in the event of gross negligence on the part of a simple vicarious agent of ours, the damage to be compensated shall be limited to the typically occurring, foreseeable damage. The limitation of liability for gross negligence on the part of a simple vicarious agent shall not apply, however, if the damage is based on a breach of material contractual obligations (cardinal obligations).
      4. The limitations of liability do not apply in the case of injury to life, body or health of a human being and for liability under the Product Liability Act.
    11. Final provisions
      1. All claims arising from or in connection with this contractual relationship shall be governed by German law to the exclusion of the provisions of the United Nations Convention and Contracts for the International Sales of Goods (CISG), the so-called UN Sales Convention.
      2. If you are a merchant within the meaning of the German Commercial Code (HGB), a legal entity under public law or a special fund under public law, Munich, Germany shall be the exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from or in connection with this contract.
      3. Should one or more provisions of these conditions of participation be or become invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.
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