Europas größte Suchmarketing-Konferenz für Professionals
18.- 19. März 2025 l Konferenz
17. März 2025 l Workshops
ICM - International Congress Center München




Tickets schon ab 599€


Das sagen unsere Teilnehmer*innen

Be Ahead of the Curve - Suchmarketing in einer Zeit massiver Veränderungen

Auf der SMX München zeigen wir dir, wie du die Wachstumschancen, die sich durch die technologischen Entwicklungen insbesondere KI eröffnen, nutzen kannst, während du sicherstellst, dass du alle Grundlagen, Tools, Strategien und Taktiken beherrschst, um heute und in der Zukunft erfolgreich zu sein. SMX München ist DIE Konferenz für Suchmarketing (SEO und SEA) in der DACH Region. Hinter der SMX steht kein Anbieter und keine Agentur, sondern ein neutrales, redaktionelles Team. Jede Session ist fokussiert und kuratiert.

Zahlen & Fakten



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Keynotes und Featured Sessions 2024

12. März 2024
The Death of Marketing Attribution


Rand Fishkin

The Death of Marketing Attribution


12. März 2024




Saal 1


For 20 years, marketers have been able to attribute most online conversions to the channel (and sometimes even the exact tactic) that sent them. But, those days are ending. In his keynote, Rand will show what’s happening to the web in policy, privacy changes, tech changes, and the incentives of major traffic & ad platforms to cause this shift, and how marketers can respond. If you want to know how to measure those hard-to-measure channels and tactics and need some workarounds for big tech’s attempts to hide referral data, then this keynote is not to be missed. You will also learn ways to avoid throwing money at ads for conversions that would have happened anyway, and explore tactics that are hard to attribute, but undeniably powerful (and often far higher in ROI than classic ad tactics).

13. März 2024
Beyond ‚Nice to Have‘: Why Data Culture is the Key to Thriving in the Next Decade


Britta Daffner

Beyond ‚Nice to Have‘: Why Data Culture is the Key to Thriving in the Next Decade


13. März 2024




Saal 1


In today’s data-driven era, merely accessing data isn’t the endgame; it’s how you integrate it into your organization’s DNA. This keynote delves into the criticality of a robust data culture, emphasizing that it’s more than just acquiring new skills or appreciating the importance of data. True data culture breaks down organizational silos, promotes holistic project thinking, and paves the way for data, analytics and AI to seamlessly deliver tangible value. Ignoring this isn’t just a missed opportunity—it’s a risk to your business’s future. After Britta’s keynote you know why every company today needs a Data Culture Manager.

13. März 2024
Closing Keynote: The Future is Conversational


Dr. Stefan Ebener

Closing Keynote: The Future is Conversational


13. März 2024




Saal 1


GenAI will bring huge changes and over the last two days you have attended many sessions on this topic. How better to close SMX than with an outlook on what these changes will bring to you? Join Stefan, Head of Customer Engineering at Google Cloud, for his closing keynote and hear how GenAI is changing the WWW and challenging existing business models. Stefan will talk you through the impact of GenAI on our workforce, Applied AI for Ads solutions and the power of multi-modal models like Gemini (including a demo). Let’s close SMX Munich 2024 with inspiration!

12. März 2024
Redefining Search Engine Marketing for the AI Age: Roles, Goals, and Pivots to our Jobs to Survive and Thrive in this New World


Wil Reynolds

Redefining Search Engine Marketing for the AI Age: Roles, Goals, and Pivots to our Jobs to Survive and Thrive in this New World


12. März 2024




Saal 1


SEM and especially SEO has been under threat for 20+ years, and yet we continue to pivot our skills to continue to positively impact bottom lines. And SEOs have never been great at communicating our value. In his keynote, Wil will show you how to use AI to help you articulate the value of your work and keep you from making assumptions that could get you in trouble. He will be going over hypotheses to determine the impact of generative AI on traffic and how to time your investments. And last but not least, he’ll share live examples of 3 „mini apps“ he has built without knowing any python that help clients solve unique problems.

13. März 2024
Changing our Thinking: The Hybrid Human/AI Approach for Breakthrough Innovation


John Ekman, ARC


John Ekman

Changing our Thinking: The Hybrid Human/AI Approach for Breakthrough Innovation


13. März 2024




Saal 1


AI races on, and humans are running behind playing catch-up. We are asking ourselves if AI is a friend or an enemy? Will AI take our jobs or create new ones? Should we use AI to streamline current operations or jump forward and go “all – AI”? John Ekman argues that most companies (and people) are asking the wrong questions. The answers lie not with „either/or“ but are “yes – we should do both ”. In this keynote, you will learn how you can use AI in your innovation process as well as reaping tangible benefits from AI here and now.

12. März 2024
Getting Ready for a More Private Web


Andrey Lipattsev

Getting Ready for a More Private Web


12. März 2024




Saal 13b


The web has brought a wide range of free services and capabilities to users such as email, social media, online shopping, streaming video, and many others. These services rely on an economic model that depends on tracking users and identifying audiences for targeted advertising. Today, increasing concerns about user privacy, data breaches, and the misuse of personal information have led to a growing demand for enhanced privacy protections. Such demands have prompted significant changes in how the web operates, including the imminent deprecation of Third-Party Cookies (3PC). With major web browsers phasing out support for third-party cookies, businesses, developers, and marketers face the need to reimagine their strategies. In this talk, I will delve into the details of the Privacy Sandbox initiative and the impending deprecation of third-cookies and explore, and discuss practical strategies for preparing and adapting to this transformative shift.

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ICM – Internationales Congress Center München

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81829 München



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