John Shehata


CEO, Founder



John Shehata is the CEO and Founder of NewzDash (Real-Time News SEO Software) & GDdash (Google Discover Analytics and Optimization), founder of NESS (News and Editorial SEO Summit), and the former Vice President of Audience Development Strategy at Condé Nast overseeing SEO, Social Media Strategy, Email Strategy & Operations for 16 premium brands (Wired, Vanity Fair, Vogue, The New Yorker, GQ, etc.).

John Shehata is a highly experienced audience growth consultant with over 25 years of expertise in the digital marketing space and search engine optimization (SEO) working with top national brands and fortune 500 companies. He is the Contributing Author of The Art of SEO: Mastering Search Engine Optimization 3rd edition and was recently recognized as one of The 10 Most Influential SEO Experts of 2022 by USA Today Listwire.

Throughout his career, John optimized 100s of news and enterprise sites like:
ABC News, Good Morning America (TV), ESPN, Vogue, GQ, New Yorker, The Atlantic, Fast Company, Oscars, Reddit, Disney, Fandom, Game Spot, The Sporting News, and many more.

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