
Paddy Moogan

Content Marketing Playbook for Ecommerce SMEs


12 Mar, 2024


10:30 AM


Saal 11


If you want to grow your E-commerce business, you have to have excellent content. You all know that, however, it is increasingly challenging to stand out from the competition with your content marketing. So what can you do to become better and to differentiate yourself from all that (AI) noise). Paddy has been working in digital marketing since 2004, he has tons of experience and knows what works and what doesn’t – especially in times of massive changes. In this session, he will share the strategy and tactics used to drive an additional $5m in revenue from organic search for one ecommerce client. The focus will be on the different content types that every ecommerce business should be creating to capture more search traffic and customers, the power of content briefs to bring together SEO and copywriters, as well as measuring the impact of your content marketing efforts.

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